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Mitsubishi Motore L3E

Cod.Art.: TP90581

check Disponibile

check Spedizione a partire da € 8,60
check Spedizione giornaliera
check Tutto dal nostro stock

Product information Mitsubishi Motore L3E

Mitsubishi Motore L3E


  • 16 HP
  • 3-cilindri
  • Diesel
  • Usato

CX15 B S-2, CX17 B ZTS, CX 18 B S-2

New Holland 
E16, E16-B, E18, E18-B, E18-SR

EB12.4, EB14.4, EB 16.4, EB150-X, EB150-XT, EB150-XTV, EB200-XT, EB200XTV

EC13-XR, EC13-XTV, EC14, EC15-B XR, EC15-B XT, EC15-B XTV, EC15-XR, EC15-XT, EC15-XTV, EC20-B XT, EC20-B XTV, EC20-XT, EC20-XTV

ES 150.3, ES180.3, ES250

H12A, H15A. H15B, H15B plus, HB15 B-2, HB15 B-2 plus

HE18, HE18S

HR 1.5, HR1.6, HR11, HR12, HR13, HR2.0

R15-7, R16-7, R16-9, R22-7

New Holland 
DX 1.17, DX1.21

DX 1.17, DX1.21

S&B 150-2


SK 17 SR

Solar 015 Plus, Solar 018 VT
DX15, DX18

TC 15, TC 16, TC16 Twindrive, TC20

ZR 15


I nostri motori sono tutti usati e in condizioni originali, non revisionati.


TSono state mietitrici di riso e piantatrici di riso Usato dal Giappone e hanno ca. da 300 a max. 500 ore lavorative. In Giappone sono Usato solo poche volte all'anno nelle risaie per Raccolta e semina.

Type Motore

The Motore type/model starts con a letter or a digit. per example, A1234, or 3A1234. Then often followed by another combination of numeros or letters. The first serie is the Motore type/model itself, the second range indicates something about the application. per example, an Motore can fit in a tractor, but also in a mini escavatore, cooling Motore or generator. In principle, many Motori are in the base the same but there may be difference in the inlet and Collettore di scarico. per a tractor there is a recess per oilpan, per example, this does not apply to a mini escavatore. The Scarico, the regulator or the Pompe olio can also be in a different location. In this case, if you intend to replace your Motore, things will need to be transferRosso da the old Motore. Important to know that base Motore never differs


Our Motori are thoroughly tested. So we know if the Motore is still in good working condition and whether it runs well, no smoke or rattles. Guarantee we can only give if the Motore is installed by ourselves. The reason is that the installation of another Motore must be done carefully and thoroughly, if not so, it could harm the Motore and might end con unrepairable damage

What we stand per.

Becauso of our years of experience in Usato Motori, we know after two or three runs of the Motore in which condition the Motore is. We do our atmost to test them as best we can. It does not make sense per you and per us to deliver an Motore that does not run well or is broken con all the consequences.

If per whatever reason you are not satisfied let us know and we will always try to find a good solution, becauso we are keen on happy customers

If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact us.

Maggiori Informazioni

SKU TP90581
EAN 8720791739249
Brand Mitsubishi